Gothic Names

Selection a baby name is the most fun and exciting part of the long wait for the arrival of the baby. Couples want the names of their bundle-of-joys to be the most unequaled among them all. Reading various books, asking elder people and friends, referring numerous websites and what not - all in search of the most unique baby name. People shuffle almost through all the possible resources in order to get a unique baby name. Baby names that are the most popular are normally biblical names. People are fascinated by the unusual celebrity baby names too, that are really weird at times but sure are unique. One course of opinion runs toward Gothic names. These names are the most distinguishing remainder of the Gothic culture.

Gothic Names
Gothic refers to the people of heterogeneous tribe belonging to the region of east Germany. They were also known as Goths. They migrated all over Europe leaving behind the mystery of their Gothic culture, architecture and Gothic artwork. Gothic language is a unique and practically extinct language in the family of the Indo-European languages. The Gothic language started to wane somewhere near the 4th century, but the Gothic subculture started gaining numerous admirers due to the mystery and many myths associated with it. Gothic fashion, Gothic lifestyle and names captivated many lovers of the Gothic culture. Gothic names are also very popular as they are pretty unusual with the touch of the immortal Gothic culture and subtle uniqueness. These names are given to the babies as nicknames as well as proper names. There are many names highly influenced by the various cultures where the Goths traveled. If you are one of the admirers and searching for a really unique baby name then you don't need to go too far. Following are some of the unique Gothic baby names followed by the name meanings.

Boy Names
Here is a list of unique and weird Gothic names for boys.
  • Acheron: River
  • Alaric: Noble ruler
  • Andreas: Masculine, manly
  • Brink: Where the water runs deep, a person living near the lush meadows
  • Cloven: Bonded or deeply connected
  • Eldritch: Spiritual, old, experienced
  • Gabriel: Messenger of God
  • Forrest: Woodsman, forest or connected to the nature
  • Gnash: A blend of characters and virtues
  • Gotham: A homestead or water meadow
  • Lazarus: Spiritual, it's a biblical name as well
  • Lucifer: Tempter of mankind, son of the fresh morning
  • Morrow: The next day, tomorrow
  • Noire: Blooming, pleasant, verdant
  • Pryse: Prince
  • Sabre: Sword
  • Salem: Peace, holy city
  • Talon: Sharp claw of a bird, strong character
  • Victor: Winner, conqueror, name of the saints
  • Zen: God's gift, religious and spiritual person
  • Zephyr: Wind, flying with the wind, successful person
Girl Names
Here is a list of wonderful Gothic names for girls.
  • Aura: Cold breeze of night
  • Alarica: Ruler of the powerful people
  • Belladonna: Beautiful woman
  • Krim: A Gothic nickname
  • Ebony: Hard wood, strong character
  • Ella: Goddess, true to all
  • Elodie: Propensity, richness
  • Garnet: Red seed, jewel, color
  • Gelvira: Truthful, true soul
  • Jette: Jet black mineral
  • Lynk: Left-handed
  • Luna: Moon, beautiful woman
  • Maya: Mother, precious one, great woman
  • Minke: Treasured possession, very own
  • Peregrine: A bird, traveler, wanderer
  • Rosary: Prayer beads
  • Siouxsie: A beautiful flower, lily probably
  • Zaphara: Exuberant in growth
  • Zuriel: Spiritual woman
These were a few of the Gothic names that can be thought over to christen your newborn baby. Cute Gothic baby nicknames can also be adapted for the babies. For instance you can call your child Lynk, if she is left-handed. It's your choice to select and give the name that captures your heart the most. Do let me know some of the Gothic baby names that you are acquainted with.