Congratulations! For you have got your bundle of joy, all hale and hearty. You are now proud parents of a lovely baby girl! You are ecstatic, but as the time goes by, you start wondering when will my baby crawl and move around the house with her teeny weeny tiny steps? Don't worry it would not be long before the baby is going to be all around the place - crawling. The text below would give you more information about crawling.
Crawling means that the baby is trying to move on his own. Babies and toddlers do this by lifting themselves on their hands and knees. Once babies master this task, they begin to push back on their knees. Encouraging the baby at this point of time is great for the baby. Now let us see exactly when do babies learn to crawl.
When does a Baby Crawl?
Well, there is no hard and fast rule that this is the time when the baby will start crawling. Each baby can have a different time span during which it starts crawling. So be patient if you kiddo is not too enthusiastic about crawling. Normally, most of the babies start crawling around 6 and 10 months. However, do not be surprised if your piece of sunshine does not crawl in this age. It might never even crawl. But, it will try to move on its own by rolling on its back and scooting on their bums. The baby might even pull itself up and walk on their own. Primarily babies would not get into the crawling act before they are strong enough that they can sit without support. You can know when do babies begin to crawl by observing his or her movements. If the baby rocks back and forth on its own and tries to push with his or her knee, it is an inkling that he/she is going to crawl. By the time the baby is a year old, the baby is going to have mastered the art of crawling. There you have got the answer to when does a baby crawl!
When does a Baby Walk?
Post crawling, babies will start walking. But that cannot happen before they master crawling. It is like doing a graduation before post graduation. Unless you are thorough at your foundation, nothing can be built over it. Crawling does exactly that. Crawling prepares and strengthens the baby's muscles to help the baby walk on its own. Walking can happen anytime during 10 months of age to a year. In exceptional cases, that might not happen.
Encouraging a Child to Crawl and Walk
Parents can encourage their baby to crawl by providing open spaces, not restricting the baby and letting go. Letting go will help the baby to balance on its own. Just make it sure that the baby is not hurt while it is going on with its antics. Take all the baby safety precautions, but do not actually go and hold the baby till it is a dire situation. Just be there. Another trick you can use is that you can place the toys beyond the baby's reach. You can also hold the toy and encourage and ask the baby to come up to you to get the toy. Avoid holding the baby's hands or legs while helping the baby to crawl and walk. Hold the baby by the torso. The baby needs to strengthen its muscles, which would not be possible if you help the baby with it.
Ultimately the answer to when do babies start crawling depends on the baby. One of the most important things when dealing with the issue of when does a baby crawl is let the baby take its own time and do not force the baby.