Common names like John, Paul, George, Dick and Michael are becoming names of the past now, and the new age mantra for naming your child is to give him/her a unique name that no one else has. The large number of mythological and historical works that we have access to also give us a large number of mythical names for girls and boys that we can choose from to achieve this purpose.
Mythical Baby Names
Depending on our personal tastes and preferences we can look in many places for mythical names for kids. Some of us can explore the books that we have grown up with, some of us can refer to the mythological movies that we see on screen, and some of us can even opt for religious texts to find some great names. It's all a matter of personal choice, because there are numerous avenues to find such names. Here are some examples of mythical baby names that you can explore.
Andromeda | Aphrodite | Apollo |
Aragon | Aries | Artemis |
Athena | Avalon | Ashima |
Avatea | Bellona | Brigit |
Bia | Calypso | Ceres |
Clio | Castalia | Cytherea |
Damia | Doris | Dorothy |
Dionysus | Darana | Eden |
Eros | Eudora | Euthenia |
Edesia | Faerie | Frodo |
Freya | Fuji | Gaia |
Gandalf | Gryphon | Hades |
Hapi | Hermes | Halcyone |
Halia | Irene | Iris |
Indrani | Izanami | Jupiter |
Juno | Jezanna | Jolene |
Kali | Keyuri | Kura |
Leviathan | Lucifer | Lillith |
Lyssa | Levannah | Maya |
Medusa | Merlin | Mandrake |
Moses | Nysa | Nirvana |
Narnia | Nehellenia | Osiris |
Orion | Odysseus | Ostara |
Olosa | Pandora | Phoenix |
Poseidon | Proteus | Rhea |
Rameses | Raiden | Sirius |
Seth | Surya | Selene |
Thor | Tara | Titania |
Thalia | Utopia | Ursula |
Undine | Valkyrie | Vesta |
Venus | Valhalla | Xanthos |
Zion | Zeus | Zenobia |
Each of these names represents a story and legend behind it and you can choose anyone that appeals to you. When you are searching for names, you must read about the chosen name extensively. Picking names just because they sound good would be ill advised, so you must do your research completely. If you have a look at some celebrity baby names you may get a few more ideas.
If these names were not enough to satiate your need, here are a few more names that you can choose from.
Ajax | Agamemnon | Aine |
Arawn | Arlana | Bowyn |
Breanainn | Briannah | Bryana |
Calum | Cara | Connla |
Culann | Deva | Devyn |
Donall | Dorran | Dughall |
Eghan | Elgine | Elsha |
Eveline | Ferghus | Fianna |
Finnobarr | Floyd | Genevieve |
Ginerva | Gwawl | Gwynith |
Herne | Huarwar | Iden |
Ione | Isolde | Isildar |
Jennyver | Joyce | Kayne |
Kelwin | Kentigem | Kirwyn |
Lavena | Linette | Llyr |
Lyonesse | Mabina | Mariner |
Mavis | Muriel | Murtagh |
Nara | Nareena | Nola |
Olwyn | Orin | Owyn |
Pert | Pryderi | Pwyll |
Ronat | Rowena | Sativola |
Selma | Setanta | Sugn |
Tanguy | Tiernay | Turi |
Varden | Weylin | Yseult |
These were some uncommon mythical names that you can explore for your child. The origins of all these names lie in different cultures and mythologies, so it is imperative that you read about them properly.
As you can see there are many choices available to you, in case you are tired of the conventional names around you. You can take your pick out of all these names, and give your child a unique name and identity.