Outdoor Games For Toddlers

Outdoor activities for toddlers are not just ways to have fun, but can also be great learning experiences for them. Toddlers have seemingly infinite bundles of energy, but simultaneously possess very short attention spans.

Outdoor games help your child get exercise and also enable them to appreciate their surroundings. As toddlers grow, they become increasingly infatuated with video games and television, so it is advisable that you encourage these games from an early age. Needless to say, such activities and craft ideas for toddlers also keeps them out of your hair for a while, but some activities will require you to keep a watchful eye on them.

Follow The Leader
This is a game that you can initiate for your babies and toddlers. Explain to the child how the game works and perform various movements in order to entertain him. You can run around, hop, skip or roll on the ground. After a while, tell the toddler that he is the leader and you will follow his movements.

This is one of the classic outdoor games and can be enjoyed not just by toddlers but even by adults of all ages. Find a suitable spot to draw a hopscotch board and show the child how the game works. Once the toddler has learned how to do so, he can play with his friends as well. Apart from being a fun outdoor activity, hopscotch also teaches them the basics of balance and coordination. 

Fence Painting
This can teach the child how to differentiate between different colors. It also gives them an opportunity to learn how to paint and enjoy the outdoors at the same time. It is advisable to stick some paper on the fence beforehand to prevent the fence from getting too messy. 

Planting Seeds
This activity is less of a game and more of a social task. You can plant some seeds in a garden and tell your toddler to water the seeds daily. This gives the toddler something to look forward to and enables them to help the environment in their own little way. Once the plant sprouts, the child will also develop an attachment to it. 

This is a great game to help your toddler learn how to walk properly. It greatly improves the sense of balance and strength in the toddlers little body and teaches him how to distribute his body weight properly. Ensure that the toddler watches you do it before he sets forth on it himself. You can show him how to tiptoe backwards and sideways as well. 

Rope Walking
Another good method to help develop the toddlers walking skills and balancing abilities is to place a long rope on the ground and make the toddler walk on it barefoot. Like other games, this game also aims at developing a toddlers motor skills.

Pretend Beach
This is another activity that can be a lot of fun for your toddler. Build an imaginary beach in the garden using a tub of water and other beach props like a floating tube, a lifeguards chair, a large towel etc. You can even carry a picnic basket that helps create the picture that you are actually at the beach.

Spray Painting
This activity can be a lot of fun if done properly. The splash of colors and the different designs that they can come up with, makes this an extremely enjoyable toddler activity. Get a spray can that is easy to use and hang an old bed sheet and watch your toddler go crazy with them.

Car Wash
Here is an activity that you can undertake with your toddler and ensure that he has an absolute blast. At the same time, you also get your car sparkling clean. Make sure beforehand that you use tear-free soap, as it is very likely that the toddler will end up with some in his eyes.

Attracting Butterflies
Toddlers will always possess a great fascination for butterflies. Attracting and attempting to catch butterflies is a greatly enjoyable game. Butterflies are attracted to bright colors, so you can make arrangements to have such plants in your garden that will attract the butterflies to them.

You can also indulge your toddler in some kids' crafts. These were just a few basic outdoor games that help in child development. With a little more imagination and experience, you can come up with loads of other toddler games and activities that are sure to get them excited and interested.